
The Fun of a Girl 's Night In

With so much going on in our busy lives it 's sometimes hard to summons the energy to get together with girlfriends for a quality nights entertainment.

So why not stay at home and invite your girlfriends around? It 's nowhere near the effort of getting all dressed up, catching a cab, sitting in a smoked filled room and then catching a cab home again.

So just how do you make it a great night to remember. The first step is to get rid of the males in the house. This should be easy as most men, if they are anything like the men in my house, will be only too happy to go to the football or local bar. Fishing is also a pastime which can get the boys out of your hair for the entire weekend.

Now the trick here girls is to make out that you are doing something for them, they don't need to know you have an ulterior motive. After all, you want them to give you something nice in return for letting them loose.

Now that the boys are taken care of let 's do some preparation. You don't want to make too much work for yourself.

Dinner is a good start. Dinner can be either takeaway, where you all chip in and get a mixed bag of really interesting exotic foods such as Taiwanese, Indian or Turkish are great ways to explore your culinary desires and your guests will feel like they have experienced something just a little different.

Pot luck is another option which can be alot of fun. This is where each guest is asked to contribute either a main meal or dessert. If your friends come from different backgrounds you can get some very interesting dishes indeed and every good cook always has at least one favorite dish they know how to prepare that goes down well.

You can of course cook the entire meal yourself but that does not lend to you having an overly relaxing evening yourself.

Now if you are like me and you want to relax too, then you will want to make it very informal which for me means movies. Of course you will be needing some snacks, which guests that can't cook can bring as their contribution.

If movies aren't your thing you can have some great fun using your computer.

Joining into chat rooms is really fun as you can make up a person, join the chat and have everyone input into what you want to say and respond with. There are many different chat programs out there, but another great option is playing bingo online. Online bingo offers chat so that you can chat with others while you play. Once again, sign up with an alias and have all your girlfriends join in with the bingo games and chat.

Other games or just plenty of nice wine are great relaxing ways you can spend the night in with the girls. If you are drinking then having your friends stay over is the safe option and this way you will have help cleaning up the next morning.

Remember the more relaxed you are and the more fun you have, the more likely it is your girlfriends will host the same great night in.

Sam Wolfe has been involved in the online bingo industry for over 10 years - as a player, employee and now consultant. She runs informative UK bingo portals located at http://buzzo.co.uk and http://zipboing.co.uk.

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